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Roatan, Honduras

Seahorse, May 21, 2001
Sponge and some coral
Sponge and some coral, May 21, 2001
Lobster in a niche of coral
Lobster in a niche of coral, May 21, 2001
Flounder with sea whips in background
Flounder with sea whips in background, May 21, 2001
Jill and a friendly grouper from the Prince Albert Wreck
Jill and a friendly grouper from the Prince Albert Wreck, May 21, 2001
Jill and the friendly grouper from the Prince Albert wreck
Jill and the friendly grouper from the Prince Albert wreck, May 21, 2001
Very large lobster on Cocoview wall
Very large lobster on Cocoview wall, May 21, 2001
School of small fish at entry to Calvin's Crack dive site
School of small fish at entry to Calvin's Crack dive site, May 21, 2001
Looking up from inside Calvin's Crack
Looking up from inside Calvin's Crack, May 21, 2001
Jill hanging by the exit to Calvin's Crack
Jill hanging by the exit to Calvin's Crack, May 21, 2001
Joe outside Calvin's Crack - looks like he's jogging?!?
Joe outside Calvin's Crack - looks like he's jogging?!?, May 21, 2001
Steve and Tiff doing a wall dive
Steve and Tiff doing a wall dive, May 21, 2001
Sponge with spider crab and banded shrimp
Sponge with spider crab and banded shrimp, May 21, 2001
Lobster, May 21, 2001
School of surgeon fish
School of surgeon fish, May 21, 2001
Moray eel in the airplane wreck in the CoCoView channel
Moray eel in the airplane wreck in the CoCoView channel, May 21, 2001
Gary (and Jill) hanging upside down over Prince Albert wreck
Gary (and Jill) hanging upside down over Prince Albert wreck, May 21, 2001
Dive master through a school of feeding fish
Dive master through a school of feeding fish, May 21, 2001
School of fish feeding
School of fish feeding, May 21, 2001
Gary looking for photo op of feeding fish
Gary looking for photo op of feeding fish, May 21, 2001
School of fish feeding
School of fish feeding, May 21, 2001
Seahorse, May 21, 2001
Seahorse, May 21, 2001
Seahorse, May 21, 2001
Jill, a sea fan and coral
Jill, a sea fan and coral, May 21, 2001
Tank used for mooring line
Tank used for mooring line, May 21, 2001
Small Octopus off path to CoCoView
Small Octopus off path to CoCoView, May 21, 2001
Small Channel
Small Channel, May 21, 2001
Crab in a niche of coral
Crab in a niche of coral, May 21, 2001
Barracuda with nice background
Barracuda with nice background, May 21, 2001
Small turtle snacking on a sea fan.
Small turtle snacking on a sea fan., May 21, 2001
Nikki and small turtle
Nikki and small turtle, May 21, 2001
Jill diving the wall
Jill diving the wall, May 21, 2001
Jill looking down
Jill looking down, May 21, 2001
School of purple fish (scientific name)
School of purple fish (scientific name), May 21, 2001
Spotted moray eel
Spotted moray eel, May 21, 2001
The snake thing is a pipe fish, related to the seahorse
The snake thing is a pipe fish, related to the seahorse, May 21, 2001
Ugly fish (also scientific name).  May be a box or cow fish.
Ugly fish (also scientific name). May be a box or cow fish., May 21, 2001
Big turtle eating a sea fan.
Big turtle eating a sea fan., May 21, 2001
Squid and 2 divers
Squid and 2 divers, May 21, 2001
Squid, May 21, 2001
2 Squid (mates?)
2 Squid (mates?), May 21, 2001
Sponge, with brittle star, tube worm and hermit crabs
Sponge, with brittle star, tube worm and hermit crabs, May 21, 2001
Octopus swimming through my closeup bracket!
Octopus swimming through my closeup bracket!, May 21, 2001
Octopus - light color
Octopus - light color, May 21, 2001
Same octopus turned dark
Same octopus turned dark, May 21, 2001
Boxfish at night.  Check out the big brown eyes and the protective mucus sack below his chin.
Boxfish at night. Check out the big brown eyes and the protective mucus sack below his chin., May 21, 2001
Seahorse Keith found at night (not easy!)
Seahorse Keith found at night (not easy!), May 21, 2001